Green and purple leafed varieties cope well in full sun but strong sunlight can scorch golden ones. Soil PH is preferred to be on the acidic side and they do not grow well in very alkaline soil, they are also very sensitive to salt levels in the soil and water so do not do well in coastal positions. It is a dense shade tree, and has a straight trunk with a well-shaped canopy.

Royal Red is a Norway maple selection that is similar to 'Crimson King', but with a somewhat slower growth rate and better color. Maples like a soil that stays loose and moist but not swampy or thin and rocky as the roots can't anchor properly in the ground. Hardiness Zone: 4-7 Mature Height: 35-40 Feet Mature Spread: 25-30 Feet Buy Royal Red Norway Maple online. Maples can grow to be large trees so need the room to grow, they are best at the back of the border and can be used to provide a cover above a fence. Buy bareroot Norway Maple standard trees online at Ashridge. Maple trees have small inconspicuous of green flowers at the end of each shoots which, once pollinated turn to the characteristic winged fruit that most people will remember playing with in their childhood. Pay 20.63 after 25 OFF your total qualifying. Leaves are green with an attractive creamy white margin. The Norway Maple is a large vigorous deciduous tree with glorious bright green maple shaped leaves throughout the spring. Norway Maple Tree - Among The Most Cold Hardy and Fastest Growing Maples (Bare Root, 3 ft. Established Acer Platanoides Drummondi, approximately 3m, variegated maple leaf Acer, quick to establish itself into a small tree. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. A dense shade tree, it is known for its straight trunk and well-shaped crown, but most notable for its beautiful variegated foliage. Acer Platanoides Drummondi Variegated Norway Maple 275/300cm. Enliven your landscape with the deep purple summer color of the Crimson Sentry Norway Maple Tree Incredible Crimson Color in Summer Your average maple delivers brilliant color in fall. The wood of maples can be used for furniture or floorings due to its distinctive honey colouring but it is most arguably its sap that it is most well known for, maple syrup is now common around the world and is said to date back to the 1600's when Settler John Smith noticed Native Americans using a sugar making process to make it. This Norway maple in an unusual specimen tree that is certain to draw attention.

Maples or Acers (not to be confused with their smaller and showier Japanese cousins Acer Palmatum ) are best known for their highly attractive foliage and bark.